Justin Futrell's Fundraiser
Your donation is LIFE GIVING.
Let's bring 4 more villages access to clean running water for the first time.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Water Is Development
I really love two things about Tanzania Water Fund.
1. Each new village has skin-in-the-game. People help dig the ditches for piping and will start a water council that is taught how to do basic maintenance repairs (an engineer is on standby as well). Also, the village collectively pitches in roughly $1,000 to kick start the water bank account (which is then used for teaching the value of drip irrigation)!
2. 18-month community development program. After each new well is constructed, an intentional program will teach kids the importance of sanitation and adults the new opportunities of irrigation!
Together, we will bring 4 more villages, and nearly 20,000 more people access to clean water!
Just a small donation will go a long way. Every $6 brings clean water to one more person. Thanks for helping me meet my goal for Tanzania Water Fund.